What is CGHS?

By Amitesh Kumar in Health Insurance in India

Jan 15

Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS):

This scheme is for central government employees, pensioners and their dependents residing in cities covered by CGHS. One can get a CGHS card made from the office of Additional Director of the City. Forms can be downloaded from CGHS website too.

Depending on your salary, a certain amount is deducted for CGHS. Above Rs 7600 per month, Rs 500 will be deducted, while up to Rs 1650 per month, a contribution of Rs 50 would suffice.

Pensioners can pay on a yearly basis or deposit a sum once in 10 years.

Employment State Insurance Scheme (ESIS):

Employees’ State Insurance Scheme of India goes beyond the scope of just health insurance for workers in the organised sector. The scheme is applicable for non-seasonal factories with 10 or more employees, and certain establishments (shops, hotels, restaurants, cinemas, newspapers, etc) employing 20 or more people, besides private educational and medical institutions in certain States.

For all employees earning Rs 21,000 or less per month as wages, the employer contributes 4.75 percent and employee contributes 1.75 percent.

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