What is Recharge/Restore feature?

By Chaitanya in Health Insurance in India

Jun 9

When a client buys an insurance policy he opts for a certain suminsured and pays premium for the same as per the age of the oldest member. Sum insured is the maximum amount the client can avail as benefit from the insurance company in case he incurs hospitalization for the complete policy year. In case there is another claim during the same policy year it will not be covered by the insurance company as the suminsured has got exhausted.
In case an insurance company offers recharge/restore feature then the suminsured gets renewed up to the opted suminsured once during the policy year for no extra premium. This recharge/restore suminsured can be used by the client to claim for any other disease other than the original one during the same policy year.
This recharge/restore feature actually doubles the actual suminsured opted by the customer at no additional cost.


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